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Indiferent de situație, te rugăm să reiei acest test cu și mai mare atenție, dar numai după ce ai reluat materialele din care ai dat acest test. Nu te grăbi, graba nu e mereu bună!
Nu e un scor rău, dar știi și tu că poți mult mai mult și mult mai bine!
Ca să ai siguranța că vei lua examenul, trebuie să ai cât mai multe teste luate cu peste 80% răspunsuri corecte. Încă nu ești acolo, dar sunt convins că, dacă vei munci mai mult și mai atent, vei reuși!
Ești pe drumul cel bun! Continuă studiul cu și mai mare sârguință și atenție și succesul va fi al tău!
Dar înainte de asta, te rugăm să treci încă o dată prin materie și apoi reia acest test.
Spor la învățat!
Munca ta serioasă de până acum a dat roade. Ai obținut un rezultat excelent! Felicitări!
Continuă pregătirea cu aceeași seriozitate și modestie, iar unul dintre locurile la instituția de învățământ MAI pentru care te pregătești va fi al tău!
Nu te culca pe o ureche, nu lăsa garda jos și trage cât de tare poți în continuare. Doar așa îți vei îndeplini visul!
_______ , I’m sure he would have gone to bed.
We would gladly go for a walk if _______ .
If we work hard, all the invitations _______ by the time mother comes home.
We’re pennniless. Did you know that? It’s because our holiday cost so much. You _______ listened to me. lf we _______ where I wanted to go, it _______ a lot cheaper.
Apuse sunt vremurile când brutarul obişnuia să ne trimită pâine proaspătă acasă.
_______ go to a movie tonight? Yes, _______ .
We have to do all this by ourselves, _______ ?
I can’t make my car _______ on cold mornings. Have you tried _______ the radiator with hot water? That sometimes works.
The transport strike meant _______ _______ _______ to work every day.
Urma să plecăm astăzi, dar vremea a fost aşa de rea în ultimele câteva zile încât am hotărât să amânăm plecarea până săptămâna viitoare.
Service was included in the bill, so you _______ the waiter. lt was a waste of money.
There is only one set of footprints, so the kidnapper _______ carried his prisoner out. He _______ it in daylight or he _______ seen. He _______ till dark.
_______ that really be Paula’s husband? He looks so young.
She needs the work before _______ tomorrow.
Smith is a hardened criminal. If he _______ this time, he _______ more crimes.
I-ar face plăcere să i se vorbească în franceză. Până acum nu a fost niciodată luat drept francez de nimeni.
_______ when it happened.
America _______ by Columbus.
I am not interested _______ anything that happened _______ the very remote past.
_______ accordance _______ wishies _______ my people, the president said, I’m retiring _______ public life
It’s raining hard. You had better _______ .
I’m going to be sick. I always get seasick when I travel by sea. If only I _______ the boat and _______ by plane!
E curios să se fi răzgândit atât de brusc.
I’ve put my money on two horses. If _______ of them wins, I shall make a fortune.
I’ve got _______ money than I thought.
_______ a job is to do, _______ paid are the people who do it.
Ever since the day I _______ to move to London, _______ whether the decision I _______ was the right one.
He _______ from leaving the hospital because he _______ yet.
I _______ your book: I’m enjoying it.
This bicycle _______ in our family for fourteen years. My father _______ it for the first five years, my brother _______ it for the next five, and I _______ it for the last four.
Our grandfather _______ portraits of his dead friends, _______ us the stories of their lives!
When he first _______ to this country he _______ a penny. But since then he _______ one of the richest citizens.
At the end of this month Mrs. Smith _______ here for exactly 25 years.
Over 200 people to _______ the conference we _______ .
After many years I _______ that during all the time I _______ to my pen friend, my mother _______ the replies.
While I _______ on the phone, the little girl _______ .
I _______ in yesterday’s paper that a boy ______ a watch and ______ it, and that the police for _______ him everywhere.
A traffic warden _______ a parking ticket to my windscreen when I _______ back to the car.
Before long bombs _______ all around him, and then everything ______ quiet.
Everyone _______ their luggage down and we _______ on the platform in the freezing wind until the next train _______ .
He said he _______ to see the film as he _______ that it _______ as good as the critics _______ .
After I _______ Brussels, I ______ a chance to stay in London for some days and an acquaintance of mine, with whom I _______ letters from some time, _______ me some of the most interesting sights of the town.
Will you have time to do it? Yes.
My wife wants to take a job but I’d rather she concentrated on our home, he said.
Give me a ring if you are not feeling well. He told me _______ .