A începe (o afacere), a se apuca de lucru | It is 8 o’clock and most of the people are already about their business. |
a bântui, a amenința (gripă, ceață etc.) | Take care! There is a lot of flu about. |
A fi prin preajmă | He must be about somewhere. I have seen him. |
a fi pe punctul să | He was about to leave when the phone rang. He was on the point of leaving when the phone rang. |
A fi mai presus de critică / suspiciune | He is above gossip! |
A fi mai presus de, a nu putea înțelege | I can’t answer this question! It is above my head. |
a urmări | The police were after the thief. |
A ajunge într-un punct mort | This is moment when our investigations were at a dead end. |
A se strădui din răsputeri | He was at a great pains to help us. |
A fi în afara problemei, subiectului / discuției | The fact that you were ill is beside the point. |
a-și ieși din minți | He was so excited that he was beside himself with joi. |
A depăși (momentul, mașina, calcule etc.) | It is beyond understanding how she could behave like this with us. |
a fi bolnav de | Tom is down with Covid. |
a fi în favoarea ≠ a fi împotriva | We are all for this proposal. |
A fi la modă | Long dresses are in this year. |
A fi strâns / recoltat | The potatoes has already beean in. |
A fi de vâzare | Strawberries are not in yet. It is too early. |
A fi ales (politic) | Our candidate is in again. |
A atinge punctul cel mai înalt (flux) | Be careful! The tidy is in. |
a se aștepta la (de obicei ceva rău) | We are in for bad weather. |
a concura | My sister is in for the European Cup. |
A fi în vigoare (lege, regulament) | The traffic regulation will be in force from this week. |
A ieși la iveală (sentimente, dispută) | The real cause of their conflict is now in the open. |
A fi disponibil (legume, fructe) | Strawberries are not in season yet. |
a fi absent | He is not at school. He is off for two days. |
a pleca | I think I’ll be off, talk to you soon. |
a anula | The party is off due to the pandemic situation. |
a se termina | Cake is off! |
a întrerupe (curentul, apa) | The water supplies will be off if we don’t repair the pipes. |
a fi difuzat la televizor/ la cinema / la teatru | That’s a good film on TV tonight. |
a trece pe socoteala cuiva | Lunch is on me. |
a fi în funcțiune | The light is on. Please turn it off. |
a fi înlăturat | If you go on talking like this, you will be out. |
a fi demodat | Long dresses are out this summer. |
a se opri | The central heating is out and it is getting colder and colder. |
a se deschide (o floare) | If the weather is good, the flowers will be out next month. |
a fi publicat | My book will be out next month. |
a nu mai fi la modă | Short dresses are out this summer. |
a rămâne fără | We are out of bread. Go and buy some! |
a fi prea departe (pentru a fi auzit / văzut) | The plane is out of sight. |
a fi nepotrivit (remarcă, comportament) | His clothes are out of keeping with the occasion. |
a cădea din cer, a apărea din senin | The discovery was out of the blue. |
A scăpa din mână / de sub control | The situation is completely out of the hand. |
a se termina | The meeting will start at 8.00 and it will be over at 10.00. |
a fi de-a valma | Your toys are all over the place. |
A avea o legătură telefonică cu | You are through to the manager! |
a încheia o relație | I am through with you. |
a se scumpi | Potatoes are up again! |
a expira (un termen) | Time is up. Hand in your papers. |
A se simți mai bine, a fi pe picioare | Don’t worry! You will be up and about quickly! |
a fi cu capul în nori | You are clever but you seem to be up in the clouds! |
a fi capabil să | I think I’m up to driving so much. |
a pune la cale | What are the children up to? |
a fi de acord cu | You are right. I am with you! |
a fi peste puterea cuiva | He said that being a doctor was out of his reach. |
a fi în al nouălea cer, a fi foarte bucuros | I’ve been on cloud nine ever since I met you. |