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Their decision to move to London was out of the ………. .
The blueberry pie is ………. ., said the waitress.
He was ………. the tennis school competition.
Which vegetables are ………. now?
Long leather coats are ………. this year. Short coats are ………. and nobody likes them anymore.
Both my best friends were ………. the same job.
There came a moment when the police investigations were at a ,……… .
We were at ………. not to show favouritism.
Don’t worry! He is ………. such dirty tricks.
It is ………. to decide.
The train was ………. sight when we got to the station.
Their new album will be ………. next month.
There is a good English film ………. T.V. tonight.
We are ………. milk. We have to buy some.
Now the prices are ………. again after this pandemic period.
Buna seara! La întrebarea numărul 13,nu trebuia sa fie “There is”?
Am corectat. Mulțumesc!