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He was aware ….. being followed.
She is busy ….. her homework right now.
Aren’t you ashamed ….. yourself?
He is brilliant ….. Math.
Afro-Americans account ….. 12 % of the US population.
The book begins ….. a description.
Thomas been absent ….. school for three days.
This house belongs ….. to my uncle.
Have you applied ….. that job?
Can I borrow some money ….. you?
What is he aiming ….. with this attitude?
Who do you think I bumped ….. last week? My former girlfriend!
Are you allergic ….. this medicine?
By the end of the show the audience was begging ….. more.
This book is accompanied ….. a CD.
I enjoyed my course at first, but after a time I got bored ….. it.
I am amazed ….. how many people attended this course.
She is very bad ….. English. You should study more!
He’s addicted ….. coffee and cannot do anything in the morning until he’s had some.
Do you believe ….. ghosts?
According ….. my friend, they’re not getting on very well at the moment.
She blamed me ….. the damage of the car.
Are you afraid ….. spiders?
She is boasting ….. her excellent results.
Why are you anxious ….. ?
Do you like betting ….. horses?
She accused him ….. stealing her wallet.
Beware ….. the holes in the pavement when you ride your bike.
My dad was angry with me ….. using his car.
The police blamed the fire ….. the cook.
Bună ziua!
În acest test la numărul 8 este răspuns deja ,,to”, trebuie scos și lăsat doar în raspunsuri.
Zi bună!